COVID-19 Update


Sunday Service

After a significant amount of prayer and preparation, we have resumed our Sunday morning service at TFA!  We’re continuing to monitor guidelines and best practices for gathering in a safe way. We're committed to creating an environment that meets government recommendations for safety. We are glad to announce Tulare county’s placement in the lowest tier, and are looking forward to seeing you here! (Masking per personal preference.)

Tulare First KIDS

With careful planning, we’re excited to re-launch our TFA KIDS ministry on Sunday mornings! (Beginning on Easter - April 4th, 2021)

We have been hard at work renovating a NEW space to have Kids Ministry in, and we think you will LOVE the new space.

Like our redesigned weekend services, we’re taking additional steps to keep our Kids environments safe (and fun) for your family. 

  • We’ve increased hygiene and cleaning protocols in our Kids spaces during and after services.

  • Additional hand-sanitizing stations will be available at our Kids check-in area.

  • All toys and hard surfaces will be sanitized following each service.

  • As we have seen a steady decrease in COVID-19 cases, masking is optional for children, per parent-preference.

When you arrive, our kids team will check your children in, and ask a few quick wellness questions.

We’ll all need to work together to help keep TFA KIDS safe, so please stay home and participate online if your child:

  • Has had a fever in the past 14 days.

  • Shows any symptoms of COVID-19.

  • Has been around anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19.

Church Online

Remember: You can always attend Church Online if you or a family member doesn’t feel well, or if you're just not ready to attend church at our physical location. You’re part of the family no matter where you choose to attend! You can find our service LIVE streamed on Facebook each week at 10:30am, and if you missed the service, you can catch it Monday mornings on YouTube!